Haddam Garden - "Gardening is Murder"

Event Date: 
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 - 1:00pm

Come enjoy a funny and very different program from The Haddam Garden Club.  We are pleased to present Neal Sanders, a noted mystery writer and speaker sharing his observations about gardening from a husband’s point of view.  Neal’s talk is filled with humor and insight from someone who gardens less from a love of horticulture than for the love of a spouse.


Good horticultural advice is dispensed, and bad advice is debunked.

Some of what you’ll learn:

  • Why it is impossible to do just one thing in a garden.
  • Why so much gardening information on the internet is awful
  • Why you should never compute the value of labor in gardening
  • Evidence that the wildlife in your garden have never seen a Disney film
  • Why it requires digging three holes to plant something
  • And much more….


We are excited to bring this program to our community


Wednesday, April 12 at 1:00 PM

at the Fire House

 439 Saybrook Rd, Higganum.


Space is limited, so if you want to be sure there’s a seat for you, please RSVP to Donna at donnabr@comcast.net  no later than April 7.  Coffee and dessert are included.  A donation of $5 is requested for non-HGC members.


Want to learn more about the Haddam Garden Club?  Visit us online at https://www.HaddamGardenClub.org