Haddam receives $4,550,000 Grant!

press Release

I’m pleased and somewhat surprised that Haddam was selected to receive a $4.55 million Community Challenge grant from the CT Department of Economic and Community Development. 26 towns applied for the grant. Only eight were selected and ours is the largest award. As I explained at the June 8th meeting seeking your thoughts on what we should do with HES, we applied for the grant to create a senior center, affordable senior housing, a multi-generational park and to move some town offices into the building. I also said repeatedly before we can do any of this, we need your approval at a town meeting. The funds we have to contribute to the project will come primarily from our equity in the building and grounds, funds already budgeted for the roof repairs, sale of the existing senior center and sale of the part of HES used for the senior housing. (You can read the Governor’s press release on the grant here.) I’ll explain this in more detail in an upcoming article for HK News.

Robert McGarry
First Selectman