June 27th Town Meeting Results


July 27th Town Meeting 

I have a lot of you to thank for the success of last night’s town meeting.  To start, I’d like to thank everyone who turned out for it. 130 residents cast ballots. In a very close race, Prem Aithal was elected to the Board of Education. Thanks to Katie Packtor for running. Our HK Park and Recreation Authority members were reappointed. The drive-up voting worked; 93 people used it. While I’m sure it can be improved, the process flowed smoothly. (If you have suggestions please email them to me, firstselectman@haddam.org.) My thanks to Ray Skarten, Dave Challenger, Peter Baird, and Trooper Stanger for braving the heat to make that happen. Thanks also to Melissa Schlag for sending me the article about Vernon’s drive-up budget vote in March that prompted the idea of trying it here. Thanks to Saralyn D’Amato, Brenda Buzzi, and Jeff Ogilvie for enduring the air-conditioned comfort of the auditorium to take the votes there. Finally, thanks to Bill Bowles, our rookie moderator, who ran the meeting. The meeting was just another example of how much our town depends on those who will step up and volunteer. Again, thanks to you all.