Monday - August 3rd - RiverCOG - virtual meeting for Haddam

to discuss town specific issues and goals

MUNICIPAL MEETING: HADDAM As a follow up to our Introductory Presentation.

 RiverCOG will be holding a virtual meeting for Haddam to discuss town specific issues and goals and how coordinating regionally can help address and achieve them.

When: August 3, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

Duration: 60 minutes

Join the Haddam meeting via the link below:

Meeting ID: 81694598782 Password: 471169

RiverCOG is creating its FIRST EVER Regional Plan of Conservation and Development and we need YOUR HELP!

Please JOIN US at the upcoming public outreach event in YOUR TOWN and GET INVOLVED in the process!

Before the Municipal Meeting, you can review the Introductory Presentation and Discussion Questions here: